Shopping Trolley

Things to do between session 11 and Session 12

Must Understand & Do:

• Now that we are back to eating the most important step is to follow the eating plan provided to you. Your job during the first two weeks is very simple. Do not put anything in your mouth that is processed. Consume only as grown whole foods.

• The step that you are undertaking in the context of the whole program is quite easy. You will find it quite easy to consume only whole as grown foods. Enjoy them thoroughly. Remember eating is a new experience for you. This is the same as experiencing foods for the first time. What you get used to now will become the norm.

• While you are going through the first two weeks start looking around at how you will substitute food. Ensure you look at the recipes on the web site. These are all safe to eat.

• Always be on the lookout for substitute ingredients. For example white flour can be substituted with unprocessed spelt flour. Everything can be substituted with an unprocessed option.

• Continue exercising. You are now at a stage where you will need to be doing some physical activity. Please ensure that you follow the exercise instructions in the Session 10 outline.

Must Watch:

1. Session 11 Introduction – Peter Pratt – DHC Founder

2. Session 11 Final Words – Peter Pratt – DHC Founder

3. The First Meal – See what it will be like eating your first meal.

4. The Wheat Story – You have a short movie to watch this week. It is a very interesting story about our modern day wheat. Wheat is not what you think it is.

Follow this link to watch the short film clip.

5. Globesity – Fat’s New Frontier Obesity is no longer just a rich country’s problem. It’s now taken hold in poor and emerging countries and is rapidly developing into an insurmountable health crisis. Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers are on the march in nation’s ill equipped to treat sufferers or educate others about the dangers of getting too fat. See how the food industry is forcing its way into the lives of people just to make money.

Follow this link to watch Globesity.

6. Obesity Crisis – The Truth about food. This is a fascinating documentary about the effects of food and in particular a whole foods raw diet.  Is it possible that such a diet can reverse the most common lifestyle disease risk factors in today’s modern society? Watch this documentary as the researchers conduct a trial that shows if these risk factors can be reversed is just 12 days.

Click here to watch this fascinating experiment.

Session 11 Outline

Eating needs to be a special activity. Eating should give you the following:

  • Healthy and appropriate nutrition without the dangers of processed ingredients.
  • Lots of enjoyment.
  • Interesting and even exquisite taste experiences.
  • Lots of energy after every meal.
  • Your natural body weight.
  • Excellent health.
  • A great social experience.

To experience all of this in the one package a person must consume only unprocessed foods over a sustained long period of time. It is also not possible to enjoy the whole package without having all of the different types foods like for example a pasta or a chocolate mousse or even a cake..

Once you are through the first two weeks of eating it is time to start having fun with your foods. There are many unbelievably beautiful recipes and dishes that you can have. Foods that will tantalise your pallet, best of all they are foods that are safe and healthy because they are not processed.

Your job over the next few weeks is to think substitution. Start to think about how to substitute processed foods with something a lot better and nicer. Every processed ingredient that you can think of will have a substitute unprocessed ingredient.

Ensure that you check the recipes at you will find many recipes that use ingredients that are used instead of other processed options.

The outline below will give you a starting guide and will help you start thinking about how to substitute.
