RSVP – Newcastle

Newcastle Celebration Dinner RSVP

We are pleased to invite you to the Diabetic Health Clinic Celebration Dinner.

It is important that you RSVP by completing the form at the bottom of this page.

Your partners are also invited. Also we are encouraging you to bring along your family or friends. It is most likely that there have been some people who have been following what you have been achieving over the last three months. Bringing them along to the dinner is a great way to help your family and friends see and understand what is possible by simply eating foods which are beneficial to our health.

We ask you to bring a whole food dish with you so that we can enjoy a meal together.

If you don’t have a favourite whole and non processed foods recipe then below you will find some fantastic resources to help you research and a find a dish. It is easy and fun to peruse through the wonderful world of whole food options.

We look forward to catching up with you and we are looking forward to our time with you,  with your family and your friends.

Kind Regards,

The Newcastle Diabetic Health Clinic Support Group.

To attend you will need to RSVP by using the form below.


Newcastle Lifestyle Maintenance Lifestyle RSVP
