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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 12/05/2014

Greetings,Why is it that we find change so difficult? We have seen many examples of this phenomena. You look at someone and you know that they need to do something but it is just not happening. The strange thing is that they also know that they need to do something and it is still not happening.

Lets for a few moments take some scenarios.

1. You have someone who has been told that they have heart disease and they they will need a bypass. While this is a shock they continue to eat McDonalds, KFC etc.
2. You have someone who has just found out that they have cancer. They continue to smoke and eat unhealthy foods.
3. Someone has just found out that they have a fatty liver but they continue to drink heavily.
4. Someone has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes but they continue to eat chocolate like its going out of fashion.

Have you ever seen a situation like this or similar?

The answers to the question as to why people don’t change can sometimes be very complex. People can have many reasons for not doing what is obviously the right thing, these can range from simply laziness to a level of addiction to a substance which is making it near to impossible to change. Keep in mind that as humans there are basically two things that motivate us to do something. We will do it because it is pleasurable or we do it because we are experiencing discomfort or pain.

In saying that it is extremely important to understand what makes you tick.  Lets for a moment paint another scenario. Lets say that you could achieve the following things.

1. Feel fantastic.
2. Look great.
3. Become healthy.
4. Be able to think much clearer.
5. Have heaps of energy.
6. Have your doctor tell you to drop some or even all of your medications.
7. Have fantastic sleep.

Now here is the issue. What if we told you that you can achieve all of this but you would have to revert to a non processed food diet and continue to live that way. Would you do it?

Interesting question right?

What would your reasons be for not doing it?  Now let me frame the question another way, if you know that you were going to get one of the diseases we mentioned, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes amongst a whole range of possibilities would you make the change?

Did you know that over 80% of modern day diseases are lifestyle disease? That is a huge amount. Another word for lifestyle diseases is chronic diseases and chronic diseases are everywhere. Chances are that in today’s modern world where we have foods made in factories most people will suffer from a chronic disease. The point is if we know that we will most likely have an issue with one of these lifestyle diseases what is stopping change?

The Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program is designed to help people make the change. 

Registrations for our January 14th conference call / on-line meeting close on Tuesday the 12th at 3 p.m. There is still time to join this program. Kick of the year with a new start. 

This week we added the following items to our web site:
New Recipes
Diabetic Friendly Juice Recipe:
Sweetness Juice.
This is a juice that has a wonderful sweet taste while have some bite. Although the taste is just divine, wait till you see just what it will do for you.
Click this link to get the recipe and a list of the health benefits that you will get by enjoying this juice.New Movie
The Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program now has a new 1 minute and 30 Second video:
This is your chance to make 2015 a new start and to take control of your health.
Click here to see the video and to join our Jan 14th Lifestyle Program.


Think about it logically. Who should we pay to keep us healthy?
Click here to find out.


Joanne & Peter.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.

Newsletter No. 86 – 12/1/2015

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