
The WHO (World Health Organisation) has warned the the use of caramel colour used in many soft drinks contains a chemical 4-methylimidazole or 4-Mel which may possibly cause cancer.

Food companies in the US are reducing levels of this nasty chemical to avoid having to label their products with cancer warnings.

The FDA have presented information for consumers that shows that levels found in food is below the levels of a study that showed a link between 4-Mel and cancer.

The Question that we should be asking is not what level of this chemical is in our food but is there any of this chemical in our food?

Now we have a situation where our soft drinks not only are loaded with diabetes causing sugar or aspartame but now are cancer causing as well. This should ring an alarm bell to anyone picking up a can to quench their thirst.

To stay safe avoid any food which contains caramel colour.

Follow this link to see a CNN report in relation to 4-mel.