Better Blood Sugar Control and A Lowered Risk of Diabetes

The nutrients in buckwheat may contribute to blood sugar control. In a test that compared the effect on blood sugar of whole buckwheat groats to bread made from refined wheat flour, buckwheat groats significantly lowered blood glucose and insulin responses. Whole buckwheats also scored highest on their ability to satisfy hunger.

This is an easy to make dish and it can definitely be used instead of potatoes rice or pastas.

It is most certainly a very healthy option.


  • 1 brown onion- finally chopped
  • 1 Leek
  • 2 Tbs of Macadamia
  • 1 cup of rinsed Buckwheat
  • Salt & Pepper to taste.


  1. Heat the oil then add onion and leek, allowing it to brown slightly.
  2. Add the remainder of the ingredients. Cover with two cups of boiling water and simmer for 20 min or until soft.
  3. Serve warm with salad and some protein like patties. Enjoy.