Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Mash

A great healthy alternative to normal potato mash, with a much lower GI, and more nutrients, which makes this a perfect choice for diabetics in particular.

This is a great addition to many meals especially where you would use potatoes.

Served on a cold winters night, along with some steamed veggies, some patties and a salad, you have a completely nutritionally balanced meal, without the empty calories, or the bloated feeling.


2 large sweet potatoes-peeled and washed and cut into large cubes

1 wedge of pumpkin-also peeled and cut into large chunks

Water and Himalayan salt to taste

2 heaped Tbs Coconut cream or almond milk


Place vegetables in a large pot, cover with boiling water, and cook till tender.

Strain the water off, then mash, adding the cream or milk just before serving. Can be garnished with fresh parsley.