Lifestyle Designed To Help Normalise Blood Sugar Levels

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I was diagnosed as a type two diabetic. It was common for me to be tired and achy. I was also overweight and in general not very well.

The Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program certainly was a challenge, but Peter, over the 12 week program gave us an insight into type 2 diabetes, and the wonder of juicing, the value of the vegetables we were juicing and the promise of a healthier life ahead.

Today I seem to be coping with different situations better in my life, e.g. visiting and watching over our two mothers who are in nursing homes, typing and composing a monthly newsletter, hosting a children’s writing page, etc.

I have lost about 9 kg since 1st October 2013, My mind, well most times, is more alert. My sugar readings have dropped and I have been taken off 1 blood pressure tablet.

The program is worth doing, go for it!

When you are doing the program drink plenty of water. Find out the amount of juice you should be drinking each day. If you don’t drink enough you are more likely to be hungry and have cravings. The green juices will give you energy.

ok Jan