The AusDiab Study is one of the most comprehensive studies and has tracked 11,000 Australians over a 12 year period. The study which was funded through the National Health and Medical Research Council paints a grim picture. It show that the nation is loosing its battle with type two diabetes and obesity.
Researchers discovered that that the incidence of diabetes is very high with almost 270 Australian adults diagnosed every day. Alarmingly people aged between 25-34 were gaining more weight than any other age group. Type 2 diabetics are also much more likely to suffer with other conditions. The prevalence of depression was found to be 65% which is much higher than in the non diabetic population.
Study Leader Professor Shaw says that the link between diabetes and depression is a complex one. It was found that people with depression are more likely to develop conditions like diabetes, partly because they feel less able to pursue healthy lifestyles.
Professor Shaw says that people with diabetes also have twice the cognitive impairment compared to those without
diabetes “One of the biggest contradictions is that we are seeing people living longer but with higher rates of chronic diseases. So their quality of life is compromised by disease,” he said.
Follow this link to read the Ausdiab Study
Follow this link to see a list of available reports from the AusDiab Study