Mediterranean Tomato Juice 4/5 (20)

Mediterranean Tomato

Tomato juices can be a wonderful break from every day juices especially for an evening juice.

This juice has a soup like feel, with  Mediterranean diet flavours. This juice can also be warmed slightly. Loaded with tomatoes, garlic, zucchini, onion, carrots and basil, this is a juice which is not short of nutrition. The garlic and onion are fantastic immune system boosters which is so important when juicing.


  • 3 ripe tomatos
  • ½ a red capsicum
  • ½ a large zucchini
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • ⅓ of a red onion
  • 3 carrots
  • handful of fresh basil
  • pinch of himalayan salt
  • cracked pepper to taste
  • 1 tbs avocado oil


Juice alternating soft and hard vegetables, making sure to finish with a carrot. Add salt pepper and oil after vegetables gave been juiced.  Mix through. Warm slightly or have at room temperature.

Enjoy this wonderful tomato juice.

This recipe makes around 700ml